Twitter Steam Rally
Twitter Steam Rally

Let's fill the internet with steam for a day!
Steam engines large & small

The one-off(!), award winning, internet sensation is returning for 2021

Steam Engines of all size and shape

2021 programme of events
Mugs Hoodie Tote Bags

Mugs, Tote Bags & Hoodies

The limited edition #TwitterSteamRally2 Mugs, Tote Bags & Hoodies are now available from the virtual rally admin stall.
To place your order, download the order form in either PDF or Word format, complete and return to

Click the images to see a larger version of each item

2021 Plaque

£24.99ea exc. Postage

Cast the traditional way in West Yorkshire.
These limited edition plaques have been specially cast in Aluminium and powder coated just for #TwitterSteamRally
A nice way to let people know you took part and made it happen.
Also 10% percent of the sale price will be donated to Wetheriggs Animal Rescue Centre
6 x 4 3/4 inch approx

Glass & Pewter Tankard, Glass or Flask

£22.00 - £40.00ea exc. Postage

Choose from a Glass or Pewter Tankard, Whiskey Glass or Pewter Hip Flask all engraved with #TwitterSteamRally 2021 emblem

Ebay Auction Customised Model

Code 3 Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Foden Steam Showmans Wagon customised to your own design

This unique model is heavily customised to include dynamo and packing body/trailer. What's more, you get to have it in your own design and all proceeds go to our charities

JustGiving links to the 3 great charities chosen by Charlie Coulls for #TwitterSteamRally to support are below:

Young At Heart

Offers help and support to families of babies and children diagnosed with heart defects. It provides a support line and regular ward visits for parents during their time in hospital with their sick child. Its aim is to bring the families together at social events, where they can meet with other families, share experiences and the children make new friends.

Butterwick Hospice Care

Butterwick Hospice

Butterwick Hospice Care offers care to children and adults suffering life limiting illnesses. All services are provided free of charge. Thank you for your support. Butterwick Hospice Care incorporates Butterwick Hospice Stockton, Butterwick House and Butterwick Hospice Bishop Auckland.

NHS Foundation

The NHS Foundation

The NHS is amazing. It is there for us at the most profound moments in our lives, no matter who we are or what we need.
NHS staff are experiencing a mental health toll from the pandemic and need our support more than ever.
There are 240 NHS Charities in the UK providing funds and services above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide. Every day NHS Charities give £1 million to the NHS.
NHS staff, volunteers and patients impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Together, let's show our respect and gratitude as NHS staff, volunteers and carers work tirelessly in the face of the virus.